> rasant wie schnell — haus wie beständig
ACHTUNG: Diese Seite befindet sich im steten Wandel und sucht noch demokratisch-antifaschistisch gesinnte Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter
ein Raddampfer auf dem Mississippi-Delta im Hafen von New Orleans





geodata, economic, socialogic and technologic Abbreviations

geodätische, wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und technische Abkürzungen

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[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]



Bedeutung used for
Ra Radium chemistry
RAFT Remote Accessible Field Trips (EU-gefördertes Projekt des Fraunhofer Instituts) institutional
RAGA Republican Attorneys General Association institutional
Rb Rubidium chemistry
Re Rhenium chemistry
Rh Rhodium chemistry
RIAA Verband der US-amerikanischen Musikindustrie institutional
RINEX Receiver Independent Exchange Format hightech
RLP Radio Link-Protocol hightech
Rn Radon chemistry
ROB Royal Observatorium Brussels (königliche Sternwarte in Brüssel) institutional
Router special configurated hard- and software, which conducts, controls and coordinates files within a network. hightech
RSA britische Gesellschaft zur Kunstförderung institutional
RSP recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis metaphysics
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds institutional
RTD Round Trip Delay - desperated waiting, instead of working or surfing; although network-technology is becoming faster - one variable kept left in sf-novels forever: it is the speed of light in common. hightech
RTGS Real-Time Gross-payment System hightech
Ru Ruthenium chemistry
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S Schwefel chemistry
SAP Solutive Application Programs hightech
SAPOS Satellitenpositionierungsdienst institutional
Sb Antimon chemistry
SBT zakynthische Schildkröten-Bauchtasche (Souvenir zur Erinnerung zum Erhalt der Karettschildkröte aus seinen letzten Rückzugsgebieten Caretta Caretta auf der griechischen Insel Zakynthos) cynical
Sc Scandium chemistry
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface hightech
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy hightech
SDP Session Description Protocol hightech
Se Selen chemistry
SEA ME WE 3 South East Asia - Middle East - Western Europe Cable-Project 3 hightech
SCC Supreme Chamber of Control macroeconomic
SEC Security and Exchanges Commission (US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde) institutional
Server processors and software delivering information for outer processors (clients) switched within a network. hightech
Sets Systems for electronic trades hightech
Si Silicium chemistry
SIA Semiconductor Industry Association institutional
SIMAP implementation of the Public Market Information System in Poland macroeconomic
SINEX Solution Independent Exchange Format hightech
SIP Session Initiation Protocol (Alternative und Initiative der IETF zu H.323) institutional
SLP Service Location Protocol hightech
Sm Samarium chemistry
SmartCard intelligent network chip hightech
SMEs small and middlesized enterprises chemistry
SMS short message service hightech
SMSC Short Message Service-Center macroeconomic
Sn Zinn chemistry
SOK transitional system to address the existing long-term contracts between energy producers and the Polish Power Grid Company macroeconomic
SPECT single photon emission computed tomography hightech
SQL Structure Query Language programming
Sr Strontium chemistry
SST Litauischer Geheimdienst institutional
STEP Gesellschaft für Sozialtherapie und Pädagogik in Hannover institutional
STP Spanning Tree Protocol hightech
SWIFT Society for World Wide Interbank Financial Communication institutional

[Grammatik / Grammar]

[b @ c k o n t o p]