geodätische, wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und technische Abkürzungen
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
J | Bedeutung | used for |
J | Jod | chemistry |
JAP | Joint Assessment of Employment Policy Priorities | macroeconomic |
JDK | JAVA Development Toolkit | hightech |
JFC | JAVA Foundation Classes | hightech |
JVM | JAVA Virtual Machine | hightech |
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K | ||
K | Kalium | chemistry |
KGV | Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis | macroeconomic |
KK-Auftraege | Konnektivitäts-Koordination (regelt den formalen Ablauf eines Providerwechsels einer .de-Domain) | microeconomic |
KPD | Kaufkraft Paritäten Dollar | macroeconomic |
Kr | Krypton | chemistry |
Ku | Kurtschatovium | chemistry |
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L | ||
La | Lanthan | chemistry |
LAG | Lebensabschnittsgefährte | social |
LAN | local area network. | hightech |
LAP | Lebensabschnittspartner | social |
LASER | light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation | hightech |
LDC | less developed countries | macroeconomic |
LCR | Least-Cost-Router: automatic-selection of telecommunication-provider with the cheapest contemporary tariff (comp. ICO). | hightech |
LS | Line Feed (Zeilenvorschub) Code in File transfer protocols - siehe auch FTP | programming |
LFS | Labour Force Survey | macroeconomic |
Li | Lithium | chemistry |
LIM-DOW-Method | Light Intensity Modulation - Direct Over Write-technology | hightech |
LOGIK-Studie | Longitudinalstudie zur Genese individueller Kompetenzen | research |
LPT | Bundesamt für Landestopographie in der Schweiz (Swiss) | geographic |
Lr | Lawrencium | chemistry |
LSI | Language Studies International | insitution |
Lu | Lutetium | chemistry |
Lucent Technologies | Cisco-competitor and global player in telecommunication-business cooperating directly with AT&T, Sprint and MCI. | hightech |
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M | ||
MAGA | make America great again | populism |
m.a.u.s. | Medien an unseren Schulen | initiative |
MCM | Moving Consumer Goods (Lebensmittel des täglichen Bedarfs) | marketing |
Md | Mendelevium | chemistry |
mDNS | Multicast-DNS-Responder | hightech |
mdXML | multi-dimensional Mark-up Language | hightech |
Meta Web | Dazel-product based on output server to automate internet, intranet and extranet functions. | hightech |
MFA | multifibre agreement | hightech |
MFC | Microsoft Foundation Class for JAVA | hightech |
MfG | Mit freundlichen Gruessen (yours sencirely) | microeconomic |
MFN | most favoured nation | macroeconomic |
Mg | Magnesium | chemistry |
MHG | Multimedia Home Platform | hightech |
MIA | multilateral investment agreement | macroeconomic |
MiB | Man in Black (movie in 1997) | slang |
MIB | Motion Induced Blindness (das Gehirn sieht nur, was es für wichtig hält) | medicine |
MILF | Mother in loving friendship | slang |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | hightech |
Mn | Maangan | chemistry |
MNS | Mund-Nasen-Schutz | medical |
MO | mobile originated | hightech |
Mo | Molybdän | chemistry |
MOD | Merchants of Death-Stammtisch im Film "thank you for smoking" (USA, 2006) | fiction |
MRT | Magnetresonanztherapie | medical science |
MWV | Mineralölwirtschaftsverband | institutional |
MT | mobile terminated | hightech |
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N | ||
N | Stickstoff | chemistry |
Na | Natrium | chemistry |
NAFTA | Northamerican Free Trade Agreement | macroeconomic |
NASDAQ | New Advanced System for Digital Automated Quotations | macroeconomic |
Nb | Niob | chemistry |
NBP | National Bank of Poland | macroeconomic |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Association | institution |
NCTS | transit system | macroeconomic |
Nd | Neodym | chemistry |
NDP | New Democratic Party of Canada | institutional |
Ne | Neon | chemistry |
NECA | National Energy Conservation Agency | macroeconomic |
Ni | Nickel | chemistry |
NIEs | new industrialized economies | macroeconomic |
NKG | Nordische Geodätische Kommission in Schweden (Sweden) | geographic |
NLO | National Labour Office | macroeconomic |
No | Nobelium | chemistry |
Np | Neptunium | chemistry |
NPAA | National Program for the Adoption of Acquis | macroeconomic |
NRA | National Regulating Authority | institutional |
NRA | National Riffle Association (amerikanische Waffenlobby) | institutional |
NRES | National Residential Properties of USA | institutional |
NTBs | non-tariff barriers | macroeconomic |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | hightech |
NTMs | non-tariff measures | macroeconomic |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction Model | geographic |
!!next update!!!Juni 2o21!!!!! | ||
O | ||
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O | Sauerstoff | chemistry |
OAS | Organisation amerikanischer Staaten (Kommission für Menschenrechte) | institutional |
OCCP | Office for Competition and Consumer Protection | macroeconomic |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development | macroeconomic |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | hightech |
OIC | Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz | institutional |
OLG | Institut für Weltraumforschung in Graz (Austria) | institutional |
OOP | objektorientierte Programmierung | hightech |
OPEC | Organization for Petrol Exporting Corporations | macroeconomic |
OPF | Open Pension Fund | macroeconomic |
OS | Open Source (Bewegung von Linus Thorvald aus der sich LINUX entwickelte und weiter entwickelt) | institutional |
Os | Osmium | chemistry |
OTA | Over The Air (comp. WAP) | hightech |
OWL | Object Windows Library for JAVA | hightech |
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P | ||
P | Phosphor | chemistry |
Pa | Protactinium | chemistry |
PAC | Polish Accreditation Centre | institutional |
PAC | Political Action Committees | institutional |
PAC-1 | künstliche erzeugtes Molekül zur Apoptose von Krebszellen | medical science |
Pb | Blei | chemistry |
PCBC | Polish Centre for Testing and Certification | macroeconomic |
Pd | Palladium | chemistry |
portable document format | hightech | |
PFP | Program for Peace (intern. Drogenkampf in Afghanistan) | institutional |
PGNiG | Polish Oil and Gas Company | macroeconomic |
PGP | technology for digital signatures, key protection and identification to transmit data via world wide web by using Groupwise (comp. Entrust). | hightech |
PHP | Hypertext Preprocessor | hightech |
PKN Orlen | Polski Koncern Naftowy | macroeconomic |
PIN | Personal Identification Number | burocracy |
Pm | Promethium | chemistry |
PML-Q | militärtreue Pakistanische Muslimliga | institutional |
PMF | private Militärfirmen | institutional |
PMP | Project Management Professional | microeconomic |
PNG | portable netgraphics | hightech |
Po | Polonium | chemistry |
POA | Post Office Agent | hightech |
POBYT | Polish computer system for migration | macroeconomic |
POE | post occupancy evaluation | microeconomic |
POP3 | Post Office Protocol | hightech |
PoP | Points of Presence | hightech |
Ports | ID-number for organizing different applications on a server; it is slashed on the right from URL. | hightech |
PPP | Point to Point-Protocol | hightech |
Pr | Praseodym | chemistry |
PRC | Pew Research Center in Washington | institutional |
PSE | producer subsidy equivalent | microeconomic |
Pt | Platin | chemistry |
PT | Port Trunking | hightech |
PTBS | posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen | psyche |
PUNU | State Office for Insurance Supervision | macroeconomic |
Q | ||
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QoS-Standards | Quality of Service (e.g. ST II and RSVP) | macroeconomic |
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