> rasant wie schnell — haus wie beständig
ACHTUNG: Diese Seite befindet sich im steten Wandel und sucht noch demokratisch-antifaschistisch gesinnte Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter
ein Raddampfer auf dem Mississippi-Delta im Hafen von New Orleans





geodata, economic, socialogic and technologic Abbreviations

geodätische, wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und technische Abkürzungen

trau' keiner Abkürzung, sonst kommst du noch vom Wege ab...

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]



Bedeutung used for
J Jod chemistry
JAP Joint Assessment of Employment Policy Priorities macroeconomic
JDK JAVA Development Toolkit hightech
JFC JAVA Foundation Classes hightech
JVM JAVA Virtual Machine hightech
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K Kalium chemistry
KGV Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis macroeconomic
KK-Auftraege Konnektivitäts-Koordination (regelt den formalen Ablauf eines Providerwechsels einer .de-Domain) microeconomic
KPD Kaufkraft Paritäten Dollar macroeconomic
Kr Krypton chemistry
Ku Kurtschatovium chemistry
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La Lanthan chemistry
LAG Lebensabschnittsgefährte social
LAN local area network. hightech
LAP Lebensabschnittspartner social
LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation hightech
LDC less developed countries macroeconomic
LCR Least-Cost-Router: automatic-selection of telecommunication-provider with the cheapest contemporary tariff (comp. ICO). hightech
LS Line Feed (Zeilenvorschub) Code in File transfer protocols - siehe auch FTP programming
LFS Labour Force Survey macroeconomic
Li Lithium chemistry
LIM-DOW-Method Light Intensity Modulation - Direct Over Write-technology hightech
LOGIK-Studie Longitudinalstudie zur Genese individueller Kompetenzen research
LPT Bundesamt für Landestopographie in der Schweiz (Swiss) geographic
Lr Lawrencium chemistry
LSI Language Studies International insitution
Lu Lutetium chemistry
Lucent Technologies Cisco-competitor and global player in telecommunication-business cooperating directly with AT&T, Sprint and MCI. hightech
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MAGA make America great again populism
m.a.u.s. Medien an unseren Schulen initiative
MCM Moving Consumer Goods (Lebensmittel des täglichen Bedarfs) marketing
Md Mendelevium chemistry
mDNS Multicast-DNS-Responder hightech
mdXML multi-dimensional Mark-up Language hightech
Meta Web Dazel-product based on output server to automate internet, intranet and extranet functions. hightech
MFA multifibre agreement hightech
MFC Microsoft Foundation Class for JAVA hightech
MfG Mit freundlichen Gruessen (yours sencirely) microeconomic
MFN most favoured nation macroeconomic
Mg Magnesium chemistry
MHG Multimedia Home Platform hightech
MIA multilateral investment agreement macroeconomic
MiB Man in Black (movie in 1997) slang
MIB Motion Induced Blindness (das Gehirn sieht nur, was es für wichtig hält) medicine
MILF Mother in loving friendship slang
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions hightech
Mn Maangan chemistry
MNS Mund-Nasen-Schutz medical
MO mobile originated hightech
Mo Molybdän chemistry
MOD Merchants of Death-Stammtisch im Film "thank you for smoking" (USA, 2006) fiction
MRT Magnetresonanztherapie medical science
MWV Mineralölwirtschaftsverband institutional
MT mobile terminated hightech
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N Stickstoff chemistry
Na Natrium chemistry
NAFTA Northamerican Free Trade Agreement macroeconomic
NASDAQ New Advanced System for Digital Automated Quotations macroeconomic
Nb Niob chemistry
NBP National Bank of Poland macroeconomic
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Association institution
NCTS transit system macroeconomic
Nd Neodym chemistry
NDP New Democratic Party of Canada institutional
Ne Neon chemistry
NECA National Energy Conservation Agency macroeconomic
Ni Nickel chemistry
NIEs new industrialized economies macroeconomic
NKG Nordische Geodätische Kommission in Schweden (Sweden) geographic
NLO National Labour Office macroeconomic
No Nobelium chemistry
Np Neptunium chemistry
NPAA National Program for the Adoption of Acquis macroeconomic
NRA National Regulating Authority institutional
NRA National Riffle Association (amerikanische Waffenlobby) institutional
NRES National Residential Properties of USA institutional
NTBs non-tariff barriers macroeconomic
NTP Network Time Protocol hightech
NTMs non-tariff measures macroeconomic
NWP Numerical Weather Prediction Model geographic
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O Sauerstoff chemistry
OAS Organisation amerikanischer Staaten (Kommission für Menschenrechte) institutional
OCCP Office for Competition and Consumer Protection macroeconomic
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development macroeconomic
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer hightech
OIC Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz institutional
OLG Institut für Weltraumforschung in Graz (Austria) institutional
OOP objektorientierte Programmierung hightech
OPEC Organization for Petrol Exporting Corporations macroeconomic
OPF Open Pension Fund macroeconomic
OS Open Source (Bewegung von Linus Thorvald aus der sich LINUX entwickelte und weiter entwickelt) institutional
Os Osmium chemistry
OTA Over The Air (comp. WAP) hightech
OWL Object Windows Library for JAVA hightech
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P Phosphor chemistry
Pa Protactinium chemistry
PAC Polish Accreditation Centre institutional
PAC Political Action Committees institutional
PAC-1 künstliche erzeugtes Molekül zur Apoptose von Krebszellen medical science
Pb Blei chemistry
PCBC Polish Centre for Testing and Certification macroeconomic
Pd Palladium chemistry
pdf portable document format hightech
PFP Program for Peace (intern. Drogenkampf in Afghanistan) institutional
PGNiG Polish Oil and Gas Company macroeconomic
PGP technology for digital signatures, key protection and identification to transmit data via world wide web by using Groupwise (comp. Entrust). hightech
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor hightech
PKN Orlen Polski Koncern Naftowy macroeconomic
PIN Personal Identification Number burocracy
Pm Promethium chemistry
PML-Q militärtreue Pakistanische Muslimliga institutional
PMF private Militärfirmen institutional
PMP Project Management Professional microeconomic
PNG portable netgraphics hightech
Po Polonium chemistry
POA Post Office Agent hightech
POBYT Polish computer system for migration macroeconomic
POE post occupancy evaluation microeconomic
POP3 Post Office Protocol hightech
PoP Points of Presence hightech
Ports ID-number for organizing different applications on a server; it is slashed on the right from URL. hightech
PPP Point to Point-Protocol hightech
Pr Praseodym chemistry
PRC Pew Research Center in Washington institutional
PSE producer subsidy equivalent microeconomic
Pt Platin chemistry
PT Port Trunking hightech
PTBS posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen psyche
PUNU State Office for Insurance Supervision macroeconomic


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QoS-Standards Quality of Service (e.g. ST II and RSVP) macroeconomic
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[Grammatik / Grammar]

[b @ c k o n t o p]