
geodata, economic, socialogic and technologic Abbreviations

geodätische, wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und technische Abkürzungen

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Bedeutung used for
EAGGF European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund macroeconomic
ECAA European Common Aviation Area macroeconomic
ECB European Central Bank macroeconomic
EDGE enhanced data rates for GSM hightech
EDI Electronic Data Interchange macroeconomic
EDIS Extended Decentralised Implementation System macroeconomic
EEG Gesetz über erneuerbare Energien macroeconomic
EEG/MEG Elektro- und Magnetenzephalografie medical science
EFF electronic frontier foundation institutional
EFTA European Free Trade Association institutional
EFTA European Free Trade Association institutional
EGDU Entwicklungsgesellschaft Duisburg (Moscheebau) institutional
EID Evangelische Internate Deutschlands mit Heidi Kong als derzeitige Vorsitzende (Stand: 02/21) institutional
EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie (Vizepräsident ist ein seniler alter Rechternamens Michael Limburg) dubios
EMAS Polish Accreditation Center For the Environmental Management and Audit System macroeconomic
EMCDDA European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction macroeconomic
Entrust Save data-transfer via world wide web by Groupwise key protection-technology. hightech
EOTC European Organisation for Testing and Certification macroeconomic
Er Erbium chemistry
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning macroeconomic
ESA 95 European System of Accounts macroeconomic
ESDP Europäische Gesellschaft für Kinderpharmakologen institutional
ESF European Social Fund macroeconomic
EURES European Employment Services macroeconomic
Es Einsteinium chemistry
Escort Vcon-product is a platform based on application for videoconferences. hightech
EtA Euskadi ta Askatasuna (Baskenland und Freiheit) geographic
Ethernet method for connecting processors within a local area network. hightech
Ethernet Switch high scaled "switch meshing"-domains for high speed-backbones perform fast error-eraser in seconds, whereas network's traffic is going to transfer on other channels, when one path might be out of order. hightech
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institutes (national Carrier) working out standards like CTR-21 or TBR-21 ATS-1000. macroeconomic
ETRS Europäisches Terrestrisches Referenzsystem geographic
Eu Europium chemistry
EVA extra-vehicular activity (Betätigung außerhalb des Raumfahrzeuges) hightech
Extranet Dazel's Meta Web based on output-server does automating. hightech
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F Fluor chemistry
FADN Farm Accountancy Data Network macroeconomic
FATF Fincancial Action TaskForce on Money Laundering institutional
FAO Welternährungsorganisation social
FAQ frequently asked question hightech
FCC US-Federal Communications Commission macroeconomic
FDI foreign direct investment macroeconomic
Fe Eisen chemistry
Firewall virtual protection-system. hightech
FLAG Fiberoptic Link Around the Globe connecting Europe with Asia direct without passing USA. hightech
Fm Fermium chemistry
FPP Fraud Protection Program (ein Hamburger Inkassounternehmen erfaßt und speichert damit säumige und vertragsbrüchige Mobilfunkkunden aller deutschen Netzbetreiber) institutional
Fr Francium chemistry
FTC Financial Trade Commission institutional
FTP File Transfer Protocol high tech
FYEO for your ears only marketing
!!!next update!!Dezember 2o21!!!!    


Ga Gallium chemistry
GAI Gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe Intensivtaeter aus Frankfurt von Polizei u. Auslaenderbehoerden institutional
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services macroeconomic
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade macroeconomic
GCM Global Commercial Market (comp. GSP) macroeconomic
Gd Gadolinium chemistry
Ge Germanium chemistry
GEF Global Environment Fond institutional
GEI Georg-Eckert-Institut für Schulbuchforschung in Braunschweig institutional
GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor macroeconomic
GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (compare IFFG) physics
GIFI General Inspector of Financial Information macroeconomic
GINB General Inspectorate of Banking Supervision macroeconomic
GITOC Government Information Technology Officers Council Southafrica (operating Linux-System) institutional
GMF Vereinigung Getreide-, Markt- und Ernährungsforschung institutional
GOP Geodätisches Observatorium in Tschechien (Peony / Czech) geographic
GPS Global Positioning System hightech
GSM-Association Global Service messaging (there are about 250 million customers worldwide in 129 countries within this Global Service Messaging-Association contains about 330 networks). hightech
GSP General System of Preferences macroeconomic
GSP Global Service Provider hightech
GUI Graphical User Interface hightech
GVL Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten microeconomic
!!!next update!!Dezember 2o21!!!!    


!!!next update!!Dezember 2o21!!!! Ich möchte via @mail auf den Laufenden gehalten werden!  
H Wasserstoff chemistry
Ha Hahnium chemistry
HAIT Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung in Dresden institutional
"Handy" German term for mobilephones / cellulares created by Philips slang
He Helium chemistry
Hf Hafnium chemistry
Hg Quecksilber chemistry
Ho Holmium chemistry
HPSG Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar hightech
HRW Human Rights Watch institutional
HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language hightech
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol hightech
HuGo Human Genom Project genetech
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IACS Integrated Administration and Control System macroeconomic
IAEA Internationale Atomenergie Agentur institutional
IAS International Accounting Standards macroeconomic
IAO Institut für Arbeit und Organisation / Fraunhofer Institut  
IASC International Accounting Standard Committee (freiwilliger Zusammenschluß von über 100 Fragen der Rechnungslegung befassten Berufsverbänden und soll weltweit gültige Standards für Unternehmensabschlüsse formulieren) institutional
IAU internationale astronomische Union institutional
ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions macroeconomic
IDEA international data encryption algorithm hightech
IEA Internationale Energieagentur hightech
IERS Internationaler Erdrotationsdienst geographic
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force: common open organisation, which defines protocol's important means have to be public supported. hightech
IFAC Internationaler Wirtschaftsprüferverband institutional
IFG Informationsfreiheitsgesetz politics
IFFGD International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (compare GERD) institutional
IGMG islamische Gemeinschaft "Milli Görös" institutional
IGN Institute Géographique National in Paris geographic
IGS International Global Positioning System Service institutional
ILO International Labour Organization macroeconomic
IMPRS-IS Interantional Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systeme institutional
In Indium chemistry
INCEL involuntary celibataires (unfreiwillige Enthaltsame) psycho
INTERBUS European Agreement on International Occasional Carriage of Passengers by Bus macroeconomic
"Internet" comp. WWW! hightech
Intranet world wide web-technology within local area networks to dispose a high effective infrastructure (comp. Groupwise). hightech
IP-Number 4 code numbers, whereas each number valued between 0 and 255 on a discrete numbered level, which generating the fully internet-domain release (comp. URL). hightech
IPO Initial Public Offering macroeconomic
IPRs intellectual property rights macroeconomic
IPS intelligent protection system hightech
IPW Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor geographic
Ir Iridium chemistry
IRC Internet Relay Chat hightech
IRMCT international residual mechanism for criminal tribunals institiutional
IRS International Revenue Service des Finanzministeriums der USA hightech
ISA International Seabed Authority (internationale Meeresbodenbehörde) auf Jamaica institutional
ISDN Integrated Services for Digital Network hightech
ISFG International Society for Forensik Genetic (Internationale Gesellschaft für Forensische Genetik) institutional
ISO International Standard Organisation institutional
ISP Internet Service Provider hightech
IT Information-Technology hightech
ITO International Trade Organization macroeconomic
ITRS Internationales Terristrisches Referenzsystem geographic
IUCN internationale Naturschutzunion institutional
IVR Interactive Voice Response hightech
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IYDD International Year of Deserts & Desertification (internationales Jahr der Wüsten und Wüstenbildung 2006 initiiert durch die Vereinten Nationen) geographic

[Grammatik / Grammar]

[b @ c k o n t o p]


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