geodätische, wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und technische Abkürzungen
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A | Bedeutung | used for |
AACC | American Association of Community Colleges | institutional |
AARP | American Association of Retired People | institutional |
AATP | Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program | hight tech |
ABC | Atanasoff-Berry-Computer | hight tech |
ABT | Aryan Brotherhood of Texas | fascism |
Ac | Actinium | chemistry |
AD | antidumping | macroeconomic |
ADD | Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion für Stiftungen in Trier | institutional |
ADM | automatic decision making system (oder auch siehe auch AI) | medical science |
ADT | Bundesverband der deutschen Innovations-, Technolgie- und Gründerzentren | institutional |
ADSN | Animal Disease Notification System | macroeconomic |
AdV | Arbeitsgemeinschaften der Vermessungsverwaltungen | institutional |
AFIS | Automated Fingerprint Identification System | macroeconomic |
Ag | Silber | chemistry |
AGH | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität | dubious institutional |
AHA | Abstandsregel - Hygienemaßnahmen - Atemschutz | medical |
AI | artificial intelligence (auch als deutsche Abkürzung KI, künstliche Intelligenz geläufig) | high tech |
AJC | American Jewish Committee | institutional |
AKMI | Arbeitskreis Moderne und Islam Berlin | institutional |
ALEXIS | legal information system | macroeconomic |
AMA | Agency of Agricultural Markets | macroeconomic |
ANIMO | Preparatory work for implementation of the external movement control system | macroeconomic |
ARMA | Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture | macroeconomic |
Al | Aluminium | chemistry |
Am | Americium | chemistry |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices | company |
AMS | aggregate measure of support | macroeconomic |
AMT | Advanced Manufactured Technology | hightech |
AOI | Automated Optical Inspection | hightech |
APCN | Asia Pacific Cable Network | hightech |
API | Application Programming Interface | hightech |
APIPA | Automatic Private IP Addressing (Zufallsgenerator) | hightech |
APRA-Net | Advanced Projects Research Administration Network | hightech |
Ar | Argon | chemistry |
As | Arsen | chemistry |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | hightech |
At | Astatin | chemistry |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | hightech |
ATM | automated teller machine | hightech |
Au | Gold | chemistry |
AWT | Abstract Windowing Toolkit (JAVA) | chemistry |
!!!!!Dezember 2o21!!!! | hightech | |
B | ||
B | Bor | chemistry |
BAAL | Bremen Ambient Assisted Living Lab | research |
B2B | Business t(w)o Business | macroeconomic |
Ba | Barium | chemistry |
Backbone | switched high speed-conductors within a network. | hightech |
BAKred | Bundesaufsichtsamt für Kreditwesen | institutional |
BASIC | Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code | hightech |
BBG | Bertelsmann Broadcast Group | entertainment |
BBV | Bayerischer Bauernverband | institutional |
BCI | brain-computer-interface | hightech |
BdB | Bundesverband deutscher Banken | institutional |
BDE | Borland Database Engine (Datenbankmaschine) | hightech |
BDO | Deutsche Warentreuhand | macroeconomic |
Be | Beryllium | chemistry |
BEK | Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften | institutional |
BFU | Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung Braunschweig (eg. Concorde-Absturzuntersuchung) | institutional |
bfz | berufliche Fortbildungszentren der bayerischen Wirtschaft | institutional |
BGR | Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe in Hannover | institutional |
BGS | Bundesgrenzschutz | institutional |
BKA | Bundeskriminalamt | institutional |
BKG | Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie in Frankfurt a. Main | geographic |
Bi | Wismut | chemistry |
BIAC | Business and Industry Advisory Committee | macroeconomic |
Bk | Berkelium | chemistry |
BME | Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik | institutional |
BND | Bundesnachrichtendienst | institutional |
BOBOs | Bourgeoise Bohemiens bzw. bohemische Bourgeoisie | slang |
BQ | barbequeu | slang |
BQ | Bloc Quebecois (Canadian Party) | politics |
Br | Brom | chemistry |
BSI | British Standards Institution | macroeconomic |
BSVC | Baltic Sea Virtual Campus | institutional |
BZG | Bank for Food Economy | macroeconomic |
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C | ||
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C | Kohlenstoff | chemistry |
Ca | Calcium | chemistry |
CAD | computer aided design. Computergestützter Entwurf | hightech |
CAP | common agricultural policy | macroeconomic |
CAPS | Counseling and Psychological Services | institutional |
CAT | Centre for Alternative Technology | microeconomic |
CBC | cross-border co-operation | macroeconomic |
CBI | Central Bureau for Investigation | macroeconomic |
CBT | Computer Based Training | hightech |
Cd | Cadmium | chemistry |
CANF | Cuban American National Foundation | institutional |
CDC | US-Seuchenbehörde | institutional |
CDP | Initiative, die im Auftrag von Rückversicherern Auskünfte von Unternehmen rund um den Klimawandel einfordert | initiative |
Ce | Cer | chemistry |
CeBIT | Centrum für Büroautomatisierung und InformationsTechnologie in Hannover | hightech |
CEO | European standardisation organisation | macroeconomic |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer | microeconomic |
CENELEC | European standardisation organisation | macroeconomic |
Cf | Californium | chemistry |
CGE | computable general equilibrium (model) | hightech |
CELESTA | maintenance and distribution of data | macroeconomic |
CELINA | customs declaration | macroeconomic |
CGES | Centre for Global Energy Studies in London (betrieben vom saudischen Ölminister Ahmed Saki Jamani) | institutional |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface (Internetformularverwaltung bzw. eine Norm für eine Programmier-Schnittstelle, die Web-Server-Software unterstützen soll) | hightech |
CID | Caller Identification | hightech |
CIO | Chief Integrative Officer | microeconomic |
CIP | Channel Interface Processor | hightech |
Cl | Chlor | chemistry |
CLEVP | California Low Emission Vehicle Program | law&order |
Client | producer of programs for net users to access the web (comp. Client). | hightech |
CLO | Central Liaison Office | macroeconomic |
CLS | Continuous Linked Settlement | macroeconomic |
CNI | Spaniens Geheimdienst | institutional |
COBOL | Common Business Oriented Language | hightech |
CODE | Centre for Orbit Determination Europe in Bern / Swiss | geographic |
COE | Zentrum für (Umlauf-)Bahnbestimmungen Europas in Bern / Swiss | geographic |
COPA | Children Online Protection Act | american law |
COPA | Cyber Offshoring of Pornographic Act | american law |
CPT | Colored People's Time | sociology |
CPAC | Conservative Political Action Conference | political |
CPT | Cool People's Time | slang |
CPU | Central Processing Unit (Zentraleinheit) | hightech |
CPUC | California Public Utilities Commission | institutional |
CREST | Comité pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique | institutional |
CR | Carriage Return (Wagenrücklauf) Code in File transfer protocols - siehe auch FTP | programming |
CSE | Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Umwelt in Delhi | institutional |
CSIS | Center for strategic and international studies in Washington | institutional |
CSCW | computergestützte Gruppenarbeit | institutional |
CSM | Christian Science Monitor (Printmedia, USA) | institutional |
CTPH | Conservation Through Public Health | institutional |
D | ||
DAGA | Democratic Attorneys General Association | institutional |
DAI | Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Berlin | institutional |
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Ich möchte via TWITTER auf den Laufenden gehalten werden! | ||
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Project Agency | institutional |
DAV | Deutscher Anwaltverein (z. B. Kronzeugenregelung) | institutional |
Dazel | software producer (comp. Extranet and Meta Web). | commerce |
DEA | US-amerikanische Drogenpolizei | institutional |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System | microeconomic |
DFKI | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz | institutional |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | hightech |
DIMM | Dual Inline Memory Module (Notebook-RAM) | hightech |
DIN | Deutsche Industrie Norm (comp. ISO) | macroeconomic |
DIT | Deutscher Investment Trust (Dresdner Bank) | macroeconomic |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library (dynamische Linkbibliothek) | hightech |
DLTB | Deutscher Lotto- und Totoblock | institutional |
DMCA | Digital Millennium Copyright Act | macroeconomic |
DMV | Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung | institutional |
DNA | Desoxyribonucleinacid | biological |
DNS | Desoxyribonukleinsäure | biological |
DNS | Domain Name Service in Paris | institutional |
DQR | Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen | bullshit-job |
DSB | dispute settlement body | macroeconomic |
DSW | Deutsche Schutzgemeinschaft der Wertpapierbesitzer | institutional |
DSW | Deutsche Stiftung Wirtschaft | institutional |
DSW21 | Dortmunder Stadtwerke | institutional |
DTMF | digitales Tonwahlmehrfrequenzverfahren | hightech |
DTW | Dynamic Time Warner | hightech |
DWD | Deutscher Wetterdienst | institutional |
Dy | Dysprosium | chemistry |
DZT | Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus | institutional |
weiter mit dem Buchstaben E / continue with letter E please
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